Below is a summary of the collective services that KHEN provide to the community through the implementation of KHEN's projects
SERVICES TO CHILDRENEducation on rights of children, people with disabilities and women
Promotion of the value of education Facilitate building and renovation of schools to child friendly standards Facilitate Child Clubs and Child Club activities on: - Rights - health - family responsibilities - morals - child protection (how to get help, protective behaviours) - primary health care Provision of literacy classes Facilitate referral to long term accommodation and support where required |
SERVICES TO PARENTSEducation on rights of children, people with disabilities and women
Promotion of the value of education Facilitate home improvement for children with disabilities (CwD) Facilitate and support model parenting group. Parent group curriculum includes: - Primary child health - Nurturing children - Valuing education - Child protection |
SERVICES TO COMMUNITIESEducation on rights of children, people with disabilities and women
Promotion of the value of education Facilitate community renovation to child friendly standards Facilitate community and self- help groups eg for the following groups of people - disabled, minority, Commune Council for Woman & Children (CCWC) Facilitate community training on: - leadership - community development - meeting facilitation skills - communication/networking - rights of children, women and people with disabilities - Inclusive education - Kampuchean law - Child protection - Advocacy and liaison with/for other NGOs, government departments etc |
SERVICES TO SCHOOLSEducation on rights of children, people with disabilities and women
Facilitate renovation of schools to child friendly standards Facilitate strengthening of School Support Committees (SSCs) Facilitate collaboration between community and state schools Facilitate teacher and SSC training to meet child friendly school standards in: - Management - Teaching - School environment - Health, Water, Hygiene, Sanitation, Nutrition - Inclusive education - gender promotion |